"Whatever your task, work heartily, as serving the Lord and not men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you are serving the Lord Jesus Christ." Colossians 3:23-24One of the things I try to do in my job, is go beyond what any one expects me to do. I learned this from my dad...but I have a long way to go to be considered like him. He was an extremely hard worker and even though he was a minister and teacher, you would often find him in the fields of Korea helping farmers, in villages working on homes, picking up trash along the roads we walked, serving the poor as he found them or they found their way to him...and in our own house he was mopping the floors, washing dishes, raking the lawn, or fixing things that were broken. He was always whistling or singing a hymn and everyone around him knew that life was good no matter what circumstance you might find yourself in at the moment. They knew that he knew the Source of life.
Though I am sort of like my dad in the physical aspect of work...I am not quite like him in the spiritual part yet. For some reason, maybe it's my generation, or maybe it's my lack of love...but I am always judging others at how lazy and inconsiderate they are for not caring about their work! Not all people...but mostly the ones who claim to be believers in Jesus and say they desire to walk in His ways.
It makes me sad that this has become such an issue with me. I tend to think about this a lot these days and I keep trying to figure out why I do...and why I care so much about this!
Since another situation came up this week with a "believer" who seems to not care that what was done (or should I say, not done) has affected so many others who were depending on her to do her job, this has been a week of anger for me. I want so bad to confront...but at the same time I have been beaten down for so long with those who seem to not care, that I want to just ignore the whole thing and never allow myself to be a part of this persons life.
Prayer is an option here. I can pray and pray and pray, and maybe one day this person will finally see that when she doesn't "work as you're serving the Lord" you make a bad impression on those who don't know the Lord, as well as, the ones that do know the Lord and were depending on her. Or I could pray and pray and pray, and maybe one day the Lord will break my heart and allow me to see that we've all got problems and I need to take the log out of my own eye before I pull the splinter out of someone
else's eye!
I hate it when I write and something like this comes out! I just want to be angry and a bit self-righteous! I want to be right and kick a little dust and shake my fist at those who don't have it together...and could care less that they don't have it together!
Oh well, I really do want to be like my dad. Sing and rejoice as I work and give my all to those I come in contact with. I hope I can do that one day. But honestly, I hope all of us believers will want to be that way...it sure would help our stress level and I would imagine it might change the world a bit.
Walk with Jesus folks. Whatever you do, work hard and give it your all. Just like you were doing it for the Lord. Remember, so many will only see Jesus when they see you.