Saturday, December 8, 2007

April 26, 2008

"If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

I often get into discussions with people who are overwhelmed by the sickness of our world. The murders including abortion, adultery, hate, pride, greed, lack of self-control, disease, famine, natural disasters...and on and on. Many of these people claim Christ as Lord and Saviour and I am always concerned by the way they think that it's the "world's" problem that we live in such a godless society.

The verse above is constantly thrown out to the church. You'd think that at some point and time we might actually take this incredible truth, believe it, and actually do what God is calling us to do.

God isn't telling the world (unbelievers) to do this...He is telling believers to do this! Repent, turn from your wickedness, humbly approach His throne and seek His face...pray and He will hear us, turn our hearts around and heal our land. The problem isn't the world's problem, it's ours. It's all of us who believe in the Lord God Almighty, and His son, Jesus the Christ, Saviour of all mankind.

Today is a good day to get started on this. Each one of us has the ability to start the process with those whom we know. To band together and humbly ask the Lord to cleanse us from the selfishness that has invaded our hearts and minds...and repent to allow the Lord to heal us and heal our lands.

The time is short. Even the world recognizes this. Now, it's up to us who believe to repent and allow the Lord to heal us and bring this world to order.

April 26, 2008, hopefully, the church will all be together as one for the purpose of healing our world. But it needs to start with each of us today. Whether you agree with the doctrines of those who are trying to get the church together for this day should not matter!
Please consider your part and join in if you can!

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