"Take heed what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given to you. For to him who has will more be given; and from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away." Mark 4:24-25
Jesus tells a parable about a sower. One who sows seed along a path, on rocky ground, and in good soil. Of course, the seed that was sown in the good soil brought forth grain and yielded thirty to sixty to a hundredfold.
We have the responsibility as believers to sow into the lives of those whom God places in our care. We can casually speak and teach and see where the seed falls, but if we refuse to plant it deep into their hearts and care for what we plant... how do we expect people to grow? If we teach and then walk away without toiling the soil, watering, and take time to allow the seed to grow...it will get choked out by the things that will grow around it or by animals eating the seed before it has time to grow roots. But how many times do we give up nurturing because of our lack of time, energy, or our thinking that if "they don't care...why should I?!"
I'm sure there were quite a few times when Jesus looked at the 12 disciples and thought "What was I thinking?! These guys will never get it!" But at the same time He knew, "As I keep watering and caring for the seeds I've planted, they will grow and the results will yield much fruit!? This I believe is why Jesus said..."the measure you give will be the measure you get and still more will be given to you."
Don't give up caring for those God places in your life. Love and nurture each one because you know...they are a child of God's.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
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